Pre-opening 10/09/2024
Paris Chicago
Wheatunch+ 2 cents
Cornunch- 1 cent
Rapeseedunch to -1€/t
Soybean- 4 cents
Indexes 09/09/2024
€/$1,1043 $
Oil WTI67,67 $/b

Wheat (€/t)
Déc. 24218,00-0,25
Mars 25225,50-0,25
Mai 25228,75+0,00
Sept. 25225,75+0,00
Déc. 25230,25-0,50
Corn (€/t)
Nov. 24200,50-1,00
Mars 25206,50-0,75
Juin 25211,25-1,25
Août 25214,00-1,25
Nov. 25211,75-2,75
Rapeseed (€/t)
Nov. 24468,25-3,00
Févr. 25470,50-3,25
Mai 25471,25-4,75
Août 25453,75-4,50
Nov. 25456,75-3,00


Wheat (€/t) : 1735 lots
5Call Déc. 24218,00
2Call Déc. 24230,00
23Call Mars 25225,00
500Call Mars 25230,00
500Call Mars 25250,00
3Call Mars 25280,00
200Put Déc. 24210,00
2Put Déc. 24258,00
500Put Mars 25210,00
Corn (€/t) : 102 lots
50Call Mars 25240,00
50Put Mars 25180,00
1Put Mars 25203,00
1Put Mars 25205,00
Rapeseed (€/t) : 44 lots
40Call Nov. 24490,00
4Call Févr. 25470,00

Wheat (¢/b)
Sept. 24555,5000+2,2500
Déc. 24568,5000-0,5000
Mars 25587,5000-1,0000
Mai 25599,0000-1,2500
Juil. 25604,2500-2,0000
Corn (¢/b)
Sept. 24384,2500+0,5000
Déc. 24407,2500-1,7500
Mars 25426,0000-1,7500
Mai 25437,0000-2,0000
Juil. 25443,7500-1,7500
Soybean (¢/b)
Sept. 241000,0000+10,7500
Nov. 241018,0000-12,0000
Janv. 251035,5000-11,7500
Mars 251049,5000-11,2500
Mai 251063,0000-11,2500
Soy meal ($/st)
Sept. 24317,8000-2,9000
Oct. 24320,7000-3,3000
Déc. 24325,0000-3,6000
Janv. 25326,6000-3,6000
Mars 25329,2000-3,6000
Soy oil (¢/lb)
Sept. 2441,6100+0,8400
Oct. 2441,0700-0,2100
Déc. 2440,4800-0,2500
Janv. 2540,6200-0,2700
Mars 2540,8600-0,2900


Physical (€/t)
You can now find the prices for the Wheat delivered Rouen - (July basis) in the Argus AgriMarkets report
Durum wheat delivered La Pallice Spot - July 2024 basis300,00+0,00
Corn delivered Bordeaux Spot - July 2024 basis201,00-1,00
Corn FOB Rhin Spot - July 2024 basis202,00-1,00
Feed barley delivered Rouen - July 2024 basis183,00+0,00
Malting barley FOB Creil Spot - July 2024 basis239,00+0,00
Rapessed FOB Moselle Spot - Flat - 2024 harvest467,00+4,00
Oleic sunseed delivered St Nazaire Spot - Flat - 2024 harvest490,00+5,00
Feed peas FOB Creil Spot - August 2024 basis295,00+0,00


Analysis 10/09/2024

European market

The week begins with hesitation on the wheat market and correction on the corn market. The rebound observed over the last two weeks leaves room for more discussions in a context still dominated by Black Sea competition, particularly on wheat.
The situation is interesting to follow in Russia as local analysts reduce their production estimates one after the other, taking into account a spring wheat harvest affected by weather that is too dry on the European part of Russia and too wet in Siberia.
Rapeseed, for its part, is benefiting from the rebound in Canadian canola and American soybeans.

Statscan yesterday released its Canadian stock estimates for July 31, 2024:

All wheat: 4.583mn t vs. 5.625mn t in 2023
Durum: 0.576mn t vs. 0.574mn t in 2023
Barley: 1.222mn t vs. 0.708mn t in 2023
Canola: 3.092mn t vs. 1.853mn t in 2023

American market

Funds returned to purchases yesterday in Chicago on wheat, corn and soybeans. Position adjustments continue before the USDA report on Thursday, September 12.
Soybeans are the most sensitive to the relatively dry end of the cycle on the Corn Belt. Its firmness supported corn and wheat in Chicago yesterday.
In addition, Chinese purchases of US soybeans continue at a steady pace. The USDA announced yesterday a new exceptional sale of 132,000 t of soybeans to China.
The crop rating published yesterday evening by the USDA indicates that soybeans are maintained at 65% "good to excellent", which is better than expected and well above the 52% of last year to date. Corn lost -1 point over the week to 64% "good to excellent" in line with expectations. This also remains well above the 52% of last year to date.
The spring wheat harvest is still progressing well in the United States at 85% completion compared to 70% last week and 83% on average to date.

Black Sea market

Click here to request full access to the AgriMarkets report to find out more about the Black Sea region, and follow price trends in Russia on a daily basis.