Pre-opening 13/09/2024
Paris Chicago
Wheat+ 1 €/t+ 2 cents
Corn+ 1 €/t+ 2 cents
Rapeseed+2 €/t
Soybean+ 1 cent
Indexes 12/09/2024
€/$1,1016 $
Oil WTI67,67 $/b

Wheat (€/t)
Déc. 24222,75+2,75
Mars 25230,25+3,00
Mai 25233,50+3,00
Sept. 25229,75+3,25
Déc. 25234,00+3,25
Corn (€/t)
Nov. 24203,75+2,75
Mars 25210,00+3,00
Juin 25213,75+4,25
Août 25215,75+0,00
Nov. 25213,75+0,00
Rapeseed (€/t)
Nov. 24466,25-1,50
Févr. 25468,00-1,75
Mai 25468,25-1,50
Août 25453,00-4,50
Nov. 25454,25-1,25


Wheat (€/t) : 12561 lots
24Call Déc. 24200,00
104Call Déc. 24225,00
4010Call Déc. 24235,00
120Call Déc. 24240,00
3000Call Déc. 24245,00
250Call Déc. 24250,00
10Call Déc. 24260,00
1Call Déc. 24320,00
3Call Mars 25233,00
600Call Mars 25235,00
605Call Mars 25240,00
700Call Mars 25250,00
800Call Mars 25260,00
500Call Mars 25265,00
1Call Mai 25236,00
500Call Mai 25245,00
500Call Mai 25270,00
80Call Sept. 25235,00
200Call Déc. 25250,00
200Call Déc. 25275,00
45Put Déc. 24200,00
100Put Déc. 24210,00
20Put Déc. 24215,00
1Put Déc. 24230,00
40Put Mars 25195,00
40Put Mars 25210,00
20Put Mars 25220,00
40Put Mars 25225,00
40Put Mars 25230,00
7Put Mars 25233,00
Corn (€/t) : 13 lots
3Call Mars 25210,00
10Put Mars 25200,00
Rapeseed (€/t) : 3 lots
1Call Févr. 25500,00
2Put Nov. 24450,00

Wheat (¢/b)
Sept. 24563,0000-0,7500
Déc. 24578,5000+9,0000
Mars 25597,5000+8,2500
Mai 25608,0000+8,7500
Juil. 25613,2500+8,2500
Corn (¢/b)
Déc. 24406,0000+3,5000
Mars 25424,5000+3,0000
Mai 25435,5000+3,0000
Juil. 25442,2500+2,7500
Sept. 25439,2500+3,0000
Soybean (¢/b)
Nov. 241010,7500+2,5000
Janv. 251029,5000+3,0000
Mars 251044,0000+1,7500
Mai 251058,0000+2,2500
Juil. 251068,2500+1,5000
Soy meal ($/st)
Oct. 24318,9000+0,5000
Déc. 24323,2000+0,6000
Janv. 25325,2000+0,9000
Mars 25328,1000+1,0000
Mai 25330,9000+0,8000
Soy oil (¢/lb)
Oct. 2440,3300-0,1000
Déc. 2439,7900-0,1400
Janv. 2539,9000-0,1700
Mars 2540,1400-0,1800
Mai 2540,4600-0,1800


Physical (€/t)
You can now find the prices for the Wheat delivered Rouen - (July basis) in the Argus AgriMarkets report
Durum wheat delivered La Pallice Spot - July 2024 basis300,00+0,00
Corn delivered Bordeaux Spot - July 2024 basis204,00+1,00
Corn FOB Rhin Spot - July 2024 basis206,00+1,00
Feed barley delivered Rouen - July 2024 basis189,00+0,00
Malting barley FOB Creil Spot - July 2024 basis239,00+0,00
Rapessed FOB Moselle Spot - Flat - 2024 harvest466,00+1,00
Oleic sunseed delivered St Nazaire Spot - Flat - 2024 harvest490,00+0,00
Feed peas FOB Creil Spot - August 2024 basis300,00+0,00


Analysis 13/09/2024

European market

The market was expecting for weeks the Thursday, September 12 for the macro-economic news. The European Central Bank has indeed lowered its main interest rate by -25 basis points to 3.5%, as expected. The market participants are now waiting to know if the Fed will do the same next week in the United States. In this context, the euro/dollar remains volatile and has been trading between 1.10 and 1.11 since the beginning of the week.

Crude oil, meanwhile, erased its losses from the beginning of the week by returning to near $70/barrel in New York, amid fears related to the passage of Hurricane Francine over the Gulf of Mexico. But U.S. oil facilities do not appear to have been affected.

The wheat market showed signs of firmness again yesterday during the day, supported by renewed geopolitical tensions over the Black Sea. However, the USDA came to dampen the market's bullish trends at the close by posting sufficient global supplies in its yesterdays' monthly report.

The USDA has tightened the EU wheat balance sheet with a downward revision of production by -4mn t to 124mn t, which leads to a further decrease in the carryover stock by -0.24mn t to 9.9mn t. However, this was offset by a strong increase of +2.75mn t in old season stocks in Canada and +2mn t in expected production in Australia to 32mn t. The world wheat stock rose to 257.22mn t against 256.62mn t expected last month.

In corn, the world stock fell by -1.8mn t compared to last month to 308.35mn t. In addition to a downward revision of -1.5mn t of production in Europe to 59mn t, it is important to note the downward revision of Chinese corn imports by -2mn t to 21mn t.

In soybeans, the global situation remains unchanged for 2024-25 with a global stock posted by the USDA at 134.6mn t compared to 134.3mn t last month.



American market

The publication of the monthly September WASDE report by the USDA yesterday did not cause major changes on prices in the United States. In wheat, the US balance sheet remained completely unchanged. In corn, the surprise comes from the yield raised to 183.6 bu/acre against a consensus that expected a slight decrease compared to last month. The US corn production 2024-25 is therefore up to 385.7mn t. But a downward revision of the beginning stocks allows the US 2024-25 end-of-season stocks to decline to 52.3mn t against 52.7mn t last month.

In soybeans, the forecast yield in the United States is left unchanged by the USDA at 53.2 bu/acre. US production is expected at 124.8mn t compared to 124.9mn t last month. Due to a slight decrease in the beginning stock, the ending stock 2024-25 is lowered to 15mn t, against 15.25mn t expected last month, which remains very comfortable.

The US weekly export sales published yesterday by the USDA are :

Wheat: 474,900 t

Corn: 666,500 t

Soybeans: 1,474,000 t

The funds were selling yesterday corn and wheat while they were buying soybeans.

Black Sea market

Click here to request full access to the AgriMarkets report to find out more about the Black Sea region, and follow price trends in Russia on a daily basis.