Argus AgriMarkets

Argus AgriMarkets

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Global grains markets have experienced unprecedented volatility in recent days, following the outbreak of conflict between Russia and Ukraine on 24th February. Grains, oilseeds and vegetable oil contracts on global futures markets recorded unprecedented volatility.

As at least some Black Sea ports close and contract cancellations appear likely, buyers could turn to alternative sources for grain, including France, Germany, the UK, Romania, Bulgaria, Argentina, Brazil, the US and Australia.

Argus AgriMarkets is a daily price reporting and analysis service covering global grains and oilseeds markets. It provides buyers and sellers with visibility on opaque cash markets for wheat, corn, barley and soybeans in competing origin markets across the Black Sea, Europe and the Americas on both FOB and CPT.

The service is delivered through:

  • Daily PDF summary report
  • Our powerful Argus Direct and Argus Workspaces online delivery platform: Instantly access prices, data, news and analysis alongside time-saving customisation options – providing you with focused market intelligence, and more time to make critical decisions

The service includes: 

  • Daily prices for Argentinian wheat, corn and barley markets
  • Daily prices for Canada wheat
  • Daily prices for Russian wheat and insights into Black Sea wheat, corn, barley and other competing origins,
  • Seven-month curve for soybeans delivered to China (cfr), assessed as differentials to CBOT soybean
  • Daily prices for Brazil soybeans and corn markets (during the export season for each market)
  • Grains freight rates
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